If you're experiencing an excessive amount of shedding, you should first see your doctor just to rule out any illnesses. If you're noticing that your hair is shedding a little bit more than normal (white bulbs at the end of strand) and that there are short choppy pieces of hair on the sink or your shirt (breakage); an at home treatment you can try, is a black tea rinse. The caffeine in black tea helps block DHT. DHT is an androgen hormone that the hair follicles are sensitive to. You can either use your coffee pot to make your tea or you could boil two cups of water and brew about 4 bags of tea. Let it cool and then pour it over your head or use an applicator bottle. Massage it into your scalp and leave on for 15 to 30 minutes; rinse; and follow with a dc (deep condition). Our hair goes through 3 phases: anagen phase (growing), catagen phase (resting) and the telogen phase (shedding). Each phase differs according to our health and genetics. The shedding phase can last for about four months and is more prominent in the late summer and early fall.
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